Does it use a large orchestra or, a solo instrument?

Words: 313
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

When we hear the word, “romantic,” we think of intense feelings. The Romantic Style of music often includes extreme feelings, like a young artist’s head chopped off in Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique (also called the “Fantastic Symphony,” a symphony based on fantasy). The orchestra gets larger throughout this period and you will notice a greater variety of instruments, like the harp, that you have not heard in previous recordings this semester. There was also a trend towards instrumental miniatures, small pieces played by soloists, that focus on feelings, such as the works of Chopin or Schumann. For this discussion, choose a work from the 19th Century Styles in your textbook and discuss how it conveys feelings. Does it use a large orchestra or, a solo instrument? Consider the differences in feelings conveyed between a large group of musicians versus a small intimate group. What feelings does it get across and how does it do that? Your example comes from Part 5 (except for Beethoven, who we have already studied, and Ravi Shankar who we will discuss later). Aim to discuss a variety of works here. MLA documentation is required here. Cite your textbook in parenthetical citations and Works Cited. Write your ideas about the music first and then add an MLA citation or two from the textbook. End your discussion with a connection to contemporary music. Consider the ways that feelings are conveyed through a large group or a soloist.

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