Liver Cirrhosis

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Putting it all together, you will develop your presentation based on the work you submitted for all of the steps to date as well as the instructor feedback you were given.
Final Presentation requirements:
Your presentation will be submitted as an audio-narrated PowerPoint, narrated by you, the student. You cannot use “text-to-speech” programs or technologies that do the narration for you unless noted as an approved accommodation in a current DSA letter you have furnished to me. For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link: Record a Slide Show With Narration.
There must be visual elements (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures).
Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding reference and title slides) and run approximately 5-10 minutes.
Be sure to add your name, date, class name, instructor name, and project topic to the TITLE SLIDE.
The required topics/subtopics: Your presentation should contain the following in the order listed below.
I. Introduction Slide(s) – this section must contain the following:
A. Topic selection and reason for selecting
B. Definition of medical disease/condition
C. History of medical disease/condition
II. Content Slides – this section must contain the following four required main topics with their associated subtopics:
A. Statistics/Epidemiology
1. Statistical prevalence (e.g., overall, gender, age)
2. Types of determinants (e.g., risk factors)
B. Costs
1. Costs to the individual/family (e.g., mental, physical, emotional)
2. Financial Costs (dollar figures)
3. Loss of productivity in the workforce
C. Anatomy & Physiology/Etiology
1. Which parts of the body are affected [e.g., tissue(s), organ(s), and/or organ system(s)]
2. Description of the normal structure and function of affected body parts
3. How the disease/condition changes the normal structure and function of affected body parts
4. Cause(s) of the disease/condition
D. Diagnosis/Treatments/Prognosis
1. How this disease/condition is diagnosed (e.g., history, exam, diagnostic imaging, labs)
2. How the condition/disease is treated (e.g., traditional medical treatments, alternative methods of treatment)
3. The prediction (prognosis) of this disease/condition’s outcome (e.g., life expectancy if treated vs. untreated)
III. Conclusion Slide – this section must contain four to six bulleted points that sum up all main topics/subtopics (statistics/epidemiology, costs, anatomy & physiology/etiology, diagnosis/treatments/prognosis) from the body of your presentation.
IV. Reference Slides and Internal Citations – these sections must contain the following:
A. Internal Citations – Citing should occur throughout the presentation via in-text citations anytime you paraphrase, make direct quotes, or use visual/audio components from other sources. Therefore, all source material should be cited.
B. Reference Slides
Include a final “References” slide listing a minimum of five (and no more than 10) academically and scientifically credible sources used for facts shared in your Final Presentation.
Include a final “Media References” slide of all images, videos, graphs, audio-elements, etc. used within your presentation.
C. All references listed on the reference slides should be cited internally within the presentation, and vice versa.
The reference slides and your title slide are not included in the slide count for your presentation.
Do not include the summary/evaluation sections from Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography; simply list the references utilized in your presentation in APA format on the reference slides.
Work that is improperly cited and referenced or lacking either proper citations or references may not be accepted for credit.
Writing Expectations: Apply scientific concepts and use scientific terminology correctly. Utilize proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For help with pron

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