Discuss on Business and Financial Literacy in the American Classroom

Words: 388
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Discuss on Business and Financial Literacy in the American ClassroomThe best teachers are lifelong learners who are always trying to improve their teaching. As a result, they are constantly reading and looking for new ideas in journals and other places. Some of the articles will have great ideas that are grounded in research and others will not. Teachers have to be able to read research texts within the field critically in order to decide whether or not the ideas should be incorporated into the classroom and stay abreast of the changes and growth in the profession as a whole. You will have 2 opportunities throughout this course to find an article that takes your knowledge further and practice your skills in critically judging and analyzing research in the field of education. This is your SECOND opportunity – meaning you only need to select and analyze ONE article for this assignment.
You will need to upload both the article and your response upon submission. For each of the two articles, the following directions must be followed and components included:
1. Select a topic of interest related to some aspect of the course and locate two relevant articles from peer-reviewed journals to do some further in-depth study. Each article should address a different area or topic of research.
2. Read the article.
3. Write a 400-500 word analysis following the format below and don’t forget to cite the article.
a. Author’s most significant points: A brief summary of the author’s findings and conclusions.
b. Text-to-self connections: Analyze how the article connects to your content and teaching practice. Use specific examples and elaborate on the use of the ideas.
c. Questions and Criticism: One paragraph of doubts, challenges, and lingering questions.
Suggested Peer-Reviewed Journals: American Educational Research Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Action in Teacher Education Journal of Research in Reading, Educational Researcher Reading Research Quarterly, Harvard Educational Review

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