Business Law Research Paper

Words: 354
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

The following is a summary of the requirements for your Legal Research Paper for this course:
You should choose a legal topic that you are interested in. It can be a topic that we have/will cover in this course, but you are allowed to choose any legal topic that you wish.
If you have difficulty choosing a topic please feel free to discuss with me. I will give you several alternatives to research. You do not have to have your topic approved.
Your paper should include, but is not necessarily limited to:
A factual summary/description of the legal topic.
A historical analysis of your legal topic.
At least 3 relevant cases that are integral to your legal topic and a brief of each.
Give your opinion of the topic, its history, and what you think the future might bring for your topic.
A reference page with at least 5 sources.
Your paper should be 8-12 pages in length – double spaced, 1” margins, font size 11 or 12.
Draft review – Students must submit a draft copy of their legal research paper to the KCBC for review no later than Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The KCBC will render feedback and your paper will be returned to you in time to make substantive changes prior to the April 22 deadline. We will discuss this assignment, including draft submission procedures, in more detail in class as the semester progresses.
Your paper is due in class on Friday, April 22, 2022. Late papers will be assessed a full one-letter grade penalty. No papers will be accepted after the day of the final exam.
You must cite your work but may choose any method that you wish. Please contact me if you have any questions.

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