Desсrіptions are in simple terms and mostly accurately describe the function of parts.

Words: 373
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Thing Explainer Project In this project you will choose anything (from baseball to theater to rockets and everything in between) to explain using what we have covered so far in class. It should be in the style of Randall Munroe’s “Thing Explainer” Your project should include the following components: Drawing with detailed simplified explanations of at least 7 parts of how your thing works Written reflection of how your thing demonstrates two of the topics we have covered so far in class 3 sources properly cited in MLA format Exceeds Expectations Satisfactory Needs Improvement Incomplete Detailed drawing with labeled components (14 points) Draw is neatly done in color with 7 distinctly labeled components. Draw is done in color with 5 distinctly labeled components. Draw is done in black in white with at least 3 distinctly labeled components. No drawing included OR drawing is incomplete. Accurate desсrіption of parts and how they work (14 points) Desсrіptions are in simple terms and accurately describe the function of parts. At least 7 distinct parts are identified. Desсrіptions are in simple terms and mostly accurately describe the function of parts. At least 5 distinct parts are identified. Desсrіptions are in simple terms and mostly accurately describe the function of parts. At least 3 distinct parts are identified. No written desсrіption of how parts work OR limited/inaccurate desсrіption of how it works Written reflection of how your thing connects to two of the topics we have covered (14 points) Written reflection details connections to 2 different chapters covered in the class so far. Explanations are clear with examples given to support ideas. Written reflection details connections to 2 different chapters covered in the class so far. Explanations are rudimentary and do not show depth of understanding. Few or no examples given to support ideas.

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