Describe the planning assumptions and mandates. Identify who the organizational decision makers are.

Words: 239
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

TOPIC: STRATEGIC PLANNING IN HEALTHCARE (1) imagine you have been chosen as an external facilitator for a small healthcare organization. Complete the first step in Ebener and Smith’s strategic planning process map. Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment. (2)Select an organization for which you will develop a strategic planning process map. You may choose to use a healthcare organization where you are currently employed, one that you were employed at in the past, or one from the list provided . (3) address the following elements in the interactive process. Indicate the healthcare entity you selected. Provide an introduction of the organization, describing its business line, history and organizational structure. Describe the mission, vision and values of the selected organization. Indicate all parties who will be involved in the strategic planning process. Describe the roles all parties will play. Provide the timeline for the planning process. Identify the resources you and your team have. Describe the planning assumptions and mandates. Identify who the organizational decision makers are.

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