escribe, as best you can, the artist’s technique used in the piece. Conclusion:

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ANALYSIS PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The student will write a 2 page research-based paper in current MLA format that focuses on analyzing a work of art. The paper must include at least 3 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. INSTRUCTIONS Choose 1 of the artworks listed below (they are also listed in the Analysis Paper Assignment Resources below the link to these instructions) and develop a 2 page analysis paper that focuses on the principles and elements of art creation as they are used in the chosen piece. 1. Dr. Gachet Van Gogh, Vincent. Dr. Gachet. Painting. Britannica ImageQuest. 1890. 2. Reflection of the Big Dipper Pollock, Jackson. Reflection of the Big Dipper. Painting. Britannica ImageQuest. 1946. 3. Arnolfini Wedding Eyck, Jan van. Arnolfini Wedding. Painting. Britannica ImageQuest. 1434. The format for the paper must follow the basic guidelines below: Introduction/General Information: Include all pertinent information about the piece, artist, medium, size, subject, art movement, etc. Brief Desсrіption: What is the subject matter? What do you see? Analysis: Describe, as best you can, the artist’s technique used in the piece. Conclusion: Your own informed opinion about the work. What you say here must be supported by your analysis above. Reference Page: Reference page with at least 3 sources. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. sources-

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