Create and upload your SWOT Analysis Quadrant to this assignment. (*** No Reflection Paper Required ***)

Words: 200
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

This week, you will complete a scenario activity involving SWOT Analysis.

You are an assistant to the CEO of City Hospital. The hospital is currently having financial difficulties; admissions are declining, and the hospital needs to update the diagnostic and clinical equipment in several departments but does not have the cash on hand to do so. You have been asked to perform a SWOT analysis to understand what the hospital’s current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are and to recommend strategies that might be undertaken to address the current crisis.

Presentation (Links to an external site.)
View the presentation and download the SWOT Analysis Activity Download SWOT Analysis Activity
Create and upload your SWOT Analysis Quadrant to this assignment. (*** No Reflection Paper Required ***)

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