From Chapter 1 “Key Determinants of the Health and Well-being of Men and Boys” An Overview in Will Courtenay’s book Dying to Be Men, what are a few of the dominant norms for masculine behavior?

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Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Instructions: Answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. In most instances, a paragraph or two does the trick. If a question asks for a list of reasons or main findings listed in an article, list them. If a question asks for a brief descriiption, provide one. Some questions have two parts-answer them both. A 5 question readings quiz response should (roughly) be equivalent to 3 pages of a word document, with the caveat that the response is ‘like dog legs’. Make it clear you have read the materials. Too many students think reading the article abstract is sufficient. It is not, and it is very clear in the response when this happens. Read the whole article/chapter. To be very clear, if you only read the abstract, you will fail this class. Write the response in your own words. Electronic books allow for cutting and pasting. Don’t do this. EVER. Rephrase, summarize, reword, and use your own work to respond to the questions.

Read the following chapters from Will Courtenay’s text Dying to Be Men (pages 3-122):

Will Courtenay, Chpt 1. “Key Determinants of the Health and Well-Being of Men and Boys: An Overview.” Pgs 3-42

Will Courtenay, Chpt. 2 “Behavioral factors associated with disease, injury, and death among men; evidence and implications for prevention” pgs. 43-122.

Answer the following essay questions. Be sure to make it clear you have read the materials. Spend time explaining your responses (when appropriate, which is usually almost always).

1. From Chapter 1 “Key Determinants of the Health and Well-being of Men and Boys” An Overview in Will Courtenay’s book Dying to Be Men, what are a few of the dominant norms for masculine behavior?

In what ways might norms of masculinity increase health risks for men? What about health risks for women?

2. List (only) the six behaviors of men and boys that Courtenay states as having an impact on the excessive mortality and premature death rates of males? If you copy from the text, be sure to rephrase.

3. What does Courtenay (Chapter 2 of the text Dying to be Men) state about why men and boys likely have higher rates of suicide? What are some of the possible “causes”? What norms/expectations might be behind such behaviors?

4. From the Courtenay text (Chapters 1 & 2), U.S. males tend to report “excellent” as their self-rated health status. Why is this potentially problematic for men’s health?

5. Given the focus on masculinity as a behavioral and social construction linked to health outcomes, it may be easy to overlook the very real biological risks that males face regarding their health.

From the Courtenay text, provide two examples of males’ greater likelihood of mortality that are biological conditions (i.e., not solely attributed to psychosocial factors).

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