What are the short-term and long-term effects of this drug on the body and the brain?

Words: 336
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Drug Effects on the Brain Go to drugabuse.gov for reliable information. Answer the questions for marijuana and heroin in Part 1, then choose one additional substance to address in Part 2. Finally, respond to Part 3. Source citations required for all materials used. Part 1 (20 pts.) MARIJUANA: What are the short-term and long-term effects of this drug on the body and the brain? What are misconceptions related to this drug? Be sure to use CURRENT and RELIABLE data on this drug. HEROIN: What are the short-term and long-term effects of this drug on the body and the brain? What is the rate of heroin use in your geographic area, and what is being done in your city to treat those with heroin addiction? Be sure to use CURRENT and RELIABLE data on this drug. Part 2 (choose one) (20 pts.) GHB: What is date-rape and how has GHB been implicated as a date-rape drug? ALCOHOL: What is meant by binge drinking, and how prevalent is it on college campuses? LSD: What are the effects of LSD? Should LSD be used for therapeutic purposes, such as treatment for PTSD? ECSTASY: Should Ecstasy be used for therapeutic purposes, such as for treatment of depression from loss of a loved one? RITALIN: Are children with ADHD over-prescribed medications for the disorder? NICOTINE: Should nicotine be made illegal? Why or why not? Part 3 (10 pts.). For all three substances you researched, also discuss if there should there be a change in the legal status of this drug (made legal or illegal?). Why or why not? Address what could potentially happen in this scenario.

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