Write a scholaryly study of a social movement of my choice

Words: 67
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

is a scholarly study of a social movement of your choice, including a history of the movement (incorporating timelines, key events and figures), a discussion of its communication problems and strategies, important rhetorical materials (such as key speeches, documents, flyers, and videos that illustrate the movement’s strategies in building support, as well as media portrayals of the movement), analysis of the movement’s effectiveness, and a bibliography of resources for further study. While working in groups is recommended, it is not a requirement. Each group should not than three members.For this option, select a social movement either from the past or the present such as the civil rights movement, environmental movement, green movement, gay rights movement, labour movements, anti-globalization movement, feminist movement, anti-nuclear movement, peace movement, vegetarian movement, Tea party movement, Pro-life movement, Black Lives Matter movement among several others and examine th

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