Compare and contrast the decline phase with the restoration and sustainability phase.

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Key Concepts: Ecological Tipping-Points. Activity: Write a 5-paragraph-essay of no less than 400 words and submit it on the Essay Answer Form provided. Choose one of these EcoTipping Point projects: here is the link. 1.Rainwater catchment dams in India 2.Preserve the Peruvian rainforest. 3.Los Angeles natural urban park 4.Arcata California artificial wetland 5.Ecological pest management in India 6.Community mangrove management in Thailand Essay Assignment: Write an essay that analyzes the project you’ve chosen. Compare and contrast the decline phase with the restoration and sustainability phase. Which vicious cycles are overcome during the project to transform them into “virtuous cycles” that drive restoration? What does it take to set restoration in motion? What EcoTipping Point “lever” reverses environmental decline in the project, setting in motion restoration and sustainability? What are the characteristics of the effective EcoTipping Point lever? Which ingredients for success are found in this success story? How might these ingredients be replicated to solve other environmental problems?

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