explore the current COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of isolation, distrust for Government Leadership , and vulnerability as it relates to anxiety, fear and other mental health challenges ( discuss a mental health issue presented in class as an example of a possible area to focus your specific treatment plan for).

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Subject: Uncategorized

explore the current COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of isolation, distrust for Government Leadership , and vulnerability as it relates to anxiety, fear and other mental health challenges ( discuss a mental health issue presented in class as an example of a possible area to focus your specific treatment plan for). Select a population, address the scope of the substance use disorder within the selected population, provide statistical data, provide research narratives of the challenges from a micro, mezzo and macro prospective ( individual, group/ community/family supports & policy). Present the possibly resolutions to specific treatment plans that would be effective with the population you select and explain why( CBT, MI, Spirituality, etc.)Elaborate on the available resources or lack of to treat the prevalence of substance use disorder within your selected population.

My selected population is PLWA (People Living with AIDS)

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