Explain three toxic leadership behaviors that a leader could exhibit, including their effects on leadership effectiveness and organizational culture.

Words: 356
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Perform an analysis of toxic leadership behaviors and their ethical consequences influencing leadership effectiveness, power, and influence within an organizational culture. Additionally, you will provide three actionable recommendations to prevent those toxic leadership behaviors.
A. Toxic Behaviors
Explain three toxic leadership behaviors that a leader could exhibit, including their effects on leadership effectiveness and organizational culture. You will also explain the ethical consequences of each of the toxic leadership behaviors and how these behaviors affect power and influence within the organization.
This section of the task requires scholarly research. Provide specific examples to support each toxic leadership behavior, include at least three in-text citations using a scholarly source.
Write a separate paragraph for each of the three toxic leadership behaviors.
B. Recommendations to Prevent Toxic Leadership Behaviors
In this section, explain three actionable items that a leader could use to prevent negative consequences of toxic leadership behaviors, including how these actions improve leadership effectiveness and organizational culture. Additionally, explain how these actions improve motivation, development, and innovation.
This section of the task requires scholarly research. Provide specific examples to support each toxic leadership behavior, include at least three in-text citations using a scholarly source. Write a separate paragraph for each of the three actionable recommendations.
C. Power and Influence
In this section, explain how at least two positive leadership behaviors help achieve organizational goals. Additionally, explain how at least two toxic leadership behaviors inhibit organizational goals. This section of the task requires scholarly research. Provide at least two specific examples to support each leadership behavior, include at least one in-text citation using a scholarly source for both positive and toxic leadership behaviors. Write a separate paragraph for each of the four leadership behaviors.

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