Write a summary of planets, constellations, and galaxies that can be seen in the night sky this month

Words: 253
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

For this assignment, you will be observing the night sky.

Go to the You tube channel link for the BBC Night Sky Magazine. Watch the video for this month (MUST BE MOST RECENT FOR YOU TO SEE SOMETHING IN THE SKY AS THE SKY CHANGES EACH NIGHT) and take notes. 5 points each for 20 points total.

Link to BBC Night Sky Magazine You Tube Channel


Write a summary of planets, constellations, and galaxies that can be seen in the night sky this month. Be sure to note which video you watched for example: What to see in the night sky: August 2020.

Go outside at your convenience and make two observations a week apart.

Make a sketch for both observations and label what you saw in the evening sky relative to the horizon and the direction you were facing to see it. Include the date and time.

Include a sketch of the moon for each of your observations carefully noting the phase.

Place your summary and sketches in the drop box provided. Happy Viewing!

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