What was the role of the public woman discourse” in the targeting of Tutsi women before and during the Rwandan genocide?

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There is a total of 3 questions. You are required to answer every part of the three questions. Your answer should be a minimum of 2 pages for each question. Use the 3 sources that I provided as the References. Do the format as question then answer below.
WEEK 7. GENDER, NATION AND WAR/WEEK 8 CASE STUDY AND GENDER ANALYSIS-THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE (1994). In society, women serve a special role in nation building. In their primary roles as wives and mothers, women may be idealized as the bearers of cultural identity and their bodies perceived as territory to be conquered” (Bradshaw, 2013, 41-42). The same special role that women play in building nations, unfortunately also makes them vulnerable during conflict. Women and girls are often the target of sexual violence, with political aims, but men and boys are also victims.
In Rwanda, between April and July 1994, during a 100-day killing spree, one million members of the Tutsi ethnic group were systematically executed by the ethnic Hutu controlled government in one of the centurys worst genocides. Of the victims, some 250,000 to 500,000 women, mostly Tutsis were brutally raped, sexually mutilated or murdered (Mullins, 2009). The Rwandan genocide highlights a fundamental, but unfortunate truth that during armed conflict, women are often systematically targeted with violence as a means of accomplishing the strategic objectives of combatants. In short, many times conflict is fought on the bodies of women.
Question #1: What was the role of the public woman discourse” in the targeting of Tutsi women before and during the Rwandan genocide? Your answer must address the following: the role of women in the nation, Rwandan womens status before the genocide, gendered propaganda, the role of women in the public vs. private spheres and the public manner women were killed during the genocide.
WEEK10. CASE STUDY AND GENDER ANALYSIS COVID-19. In the Rapid Gender Analysis during COVID-19, the goal was to analyze and better understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, men, girls, boys in the Mekong region. Key findings addressed commonalities and differences across the countries to provide a regional perspective on the impacts of COVID-19 on women, men, boys, girls and at-risk groups, especially migrant workers, garment factory workers, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and people working in the informal sector, such as female sex workers.
Question #2: What are the details of the following factors examined during the study as they relate to the impacts of COVID-19 in the countries studied? You must address the following: gender inequality; age and life expectancy; non-communicable diseases; disability rates; intimate partner violence; ethnic minority group and urban-rural divide.
WEEK 11. GENDER AND CLIMATE CHANGE. In the article Intersecting identities and global climate change author Joane Nagel explores the impact of climate change and intersectionality by examining race, class, gender, sexual and national identities and cultures. Moreover, research has shown that women are more vulnerable than men in climate change disasters such as flooding and drought. Reasons for this include poverty, economic activities, subsistence-agriculture and the moral economies governing womens modesty in many cultures (Nagel, 2012, 467).
Question #3. How does intersectionality impact climate change? In answering the question, you must use Nagels article to address the following: gender sexuality and nation; race, gender, class and moral economy, using Hurricane Katrina as an example; nation, class and the global system; and masculinity, militarism and science.

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