Evaluate the quality of the text or the data (depending upon which type of study this is). Was it a good text or was it good data? Why or why not?

Words: 240
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Answer the following questions using the research article.


Did the study involve participants in any way? YES NO If yes, how so? (10 points)
List the characteristics of the sample (if there was one): (10 points)
What was the sampling technique?___________________________ How
exactly did the researcher get his/her participants? (5 points)


4. What is the text or data? (10 points)

5. What is its source/how it was obtained? (10 points)


6. What type of study is this (please do not tell me it is a qualitative study, but what type)? (5 points)

7. What theoretical perspective and/or what methods are employed? (5 points)


8. Evaluate the quality of the text or the data (depending upon which type of study this is). Was it a good text or was it good data? Why or why not? (10 points)

9. Was/were the text/data/site/participants appropriate to the research questions? Why or why not (in one sentence or phrase)? (5 points)

10. Were the methods rigorous and theoretically driven? How so or how not so? (5 points)

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