When spores germinate and grow what generation is produced?

Words: 299
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized


1. You already have some knowledge of this Kingdom. Which of the following are true? Choose all that apply.
They are heterotrophs

They are autotrophs
They release CO2
They release O2
They have accessory pigments
They have mitochondria

2.When spores germinate and grow what generation is produced?

Fern Life Cycle

Group of answer choices

a. gametophyte
b. sporophyte
c. gamete
d. diploid stage

3.The gametophyte generation produces cells called?

Fern Life Cycle

Group of answer choices
a. gametes
d. diploid

4.Is the sporophyte generation diploid or haploid?
Fern Life Cycle

Group of answer choices
a. diploid
b. haploid

5. What does it mean (in terms of chromosome number) if a cell is diploid?
Group of answer choices

a. two sets of chromosomes
b. one set of chromosomes
c. multiple copies of each chromosome

6. Life on land presents a whole series of problems not found if the organism lives in the water. Which are problems the first land plants had to deal with that were not problems for algae? Choose all that apply


a. support structures
b. nutrient uptake and distribution
c. performing photosynthesis
d. CO2 supply

7. Which are solutions that land plants evolved that helped them overcome obstacles on land? Choose all that apply.
Group of answer choices

a. waxy cuticle
b. harder cell walls
c. vascular system
d. seeds

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