What motivates and makes Gen X more productive and satisfied? Why?

Words: 217
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

After you’ve completed this week’s assigned reading, watch the video below. Next, respond to the Discussion questions underneath. Your first post should answer those questions and should be made by Thursday midnight. You should also make two additional posts (three total) on separate days before the end of the week (Sunday midnight). Good luck.

Discussion Question:
What makes Baby Boomers more productive and satisfied on the job? What makes Millennials more productive and satisfied? How are they similar? What motivates and makes Gen X more productive and satisfied? Why? How is Gen Z different? What are companies doing currently and what should they be doing to increase employee satisfaction with the different generations? You can use the textbook, the video above, and outside sources to help answer the questions, be sure to cite and list all sources used in APA format.

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