Are the themes still valid? How so/not? Is the film universal or inextinguishable?

Words: 239
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

These are the criterias that have to be answered within the essay: How is the film an example of the films of the era? How is it not/does it do anything different than the other films of the era? What was popular or developing as far as the film era/area? What do you suppose are the film’s/directors’ influences or contributions to the era and the medium? Are the themes still valid? How so/not? Is the film universal or inextinguishable?
Limit outline/summary of plot to no more than one paragraph! Include discussion of both narrative and cinematic elements.
For the latter, include specific examples of shot, angle and color and the effect. Consider their symbolism, purpose and effectiveness. What is the overall purpose and success of the film? Explore the themes and issues addressed: how are they presented/addressed/developed? What are we being pulled to believe or support? Are there solutions offered to the problems/conflicts? Good or bad film?

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