Identify an institution of higher education – it can be one at which you presently work, one from which you graduated or any that interest you.

Words: 238
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Identify an institution of higher education – it can be one at which you presently work, one from which you graduated or any that interest you. Search their website, focusing on institutional research webpages, to see if they post their undergraduate admissions application numbers, the admit rate, overall enrollment and their graduation rate (6 year). If you cannot find this information on their website, you may also consult the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) site at Post those rates. Based upon the graduation rate, propose efforts of two offices within the enrollment management division at the institution that could increase the graduation rate. Be specific in indicating what those efforts are, and how, in the short and/or long term, they could positively impact the rate. Identify a public and a private instition of higher education and examine their enrollment management webpages that provide the organizational structure of the division. Outline the differences between the two.

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