Describe how each of these systems might operate in the context of initiating new relationships.

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Pages: 3
Subject: Uncategorized

1.We are becoming more and more knowledgeable about the role of genes in individuals development and behaviour. Oftentimes these genetic discoveries are given too much credit in these domains (and perhaps other times, they are not given due recognition). If there were a test that could tell you precisely the extent to which parts of your personality were due to your environment and which parts could be attributed to your genes would you want to know? How would this impact the way you live your life? Do you think it would impact how others treat you if they knew too? 2. Your textbook sums up the mottos for BIS and BAS as “Be careful!” and “Go for it” respectively. Describe how each of these systems might operate in the context of initiating new relationships. What kinds of strategies would people driven by each system adopt? What kinds of emotions would they experience? Do you think one would be more conducive to forming quality connections? Explain your position. 3. Choose a problem that requires self-regulation (E.g., improving eating habits, showing up on time, developing good study habits. Note, it doesn’t have to be a problem you are personally experiencing!) and develop an intervention strategy based on self-determination theory. Explain how your plan satisfies autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs. 4. Is having an internal locus of control always better than having an external locus of control? Is there a time or situation when an internal locus of control is detrimental to well being? Is too much control a bad thing? Is believing that one has control when, objectively, one doesn’t just as detrimental to mental health as the opposite believing that one has no control even when one does? 5. Now you’ve seen some very different perspectives on how boys and girls, men and women are treated, portrayed and perceived differently. Discuss with your classmates what you found particularly interesting or surprising from this unit (and you can agree or disagree as long as you can justify your position!). What, if anything, needs to change about how we talk about, think about, and/or portray gender at all ages to ensure that there are equal opportunities for all to meet their true potential? Unit 11 6. People want their romantic relationships to be successful, regardless of whether they are in mixed-sex or same-sex relationships. What do you think are some relationship challenges that are unique to people in same-sex relationships? What are some unique aspects of same-sex relationships that could facilitate better relationship quality? Text book for above questions Miserandino, M., & Porter, S. (2016). Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings (1st Canadian Ed.). Toronto: Pearson. 1a- Using the different schedules of reinforcement described in the chapter, select 2 and describe how a behaviour from your everyday life fits into each of the schedules (you can use the same behaviour or a different behaviour for each). As part of your answer, ensure you highlight the main features of the chosen schedule! Text book for above question Martin, G. L., & Pear, J. J. (2019). Behavior modification: What it is and how to do it (11th Ed.). New York: Routledge; Taylor & Francis.Show more

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