Discuss the Effect of the health issue on health policy and politics .

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Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

The Issue and Advocacy Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to identify a health issue requiring advocacy from the nursing profession on a local, regional, state, national, or international level. This topic can be related to health promotion, population health, disease management, or patient safety in the community or other healthcare setting. You are assuming the role of advocate in various capacities. Rubric for Written Assignments, in 5 double spaced pages (excluding the title page and reference page) present the following details: Health policy: increasing primary care providers using nurse practitioners; support of PA HB 765 for CRNP independent practice Criteria for Your Advocacy as a Nursing Professional 1 Introduction 2-Outline of health issue and existing or necessary health policy and/or politics Why is this significant to nursing? 3-List and discuss any other stake holders who would be concerned with the health issue, in favor or opposition. 4-Propose a plan on this health issue advocacy: • Effect of the health issue on health policy and politics •Interventions to be implemented in this advocacy to enact change; incorporate health politics as pertinent •Identify opposition which can be encountered.

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