What does the author mean when they state the limitations of the research include the small clinical population?

Words: 258
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

you gain credit for annotations, each annotation should do one of the following: Answer a question if classmate (or me!) has asked a question as an annotation. o Example: Henry, survey design does have its shortcomings, but I think it is the appropriate way to answer this particular research question. Pose a question about the material. Questions can be rhetorical, gain insight or experience from others, or asking something youd hope to have answered because you dont understand. o Examples: ? What does the author mean when they state the limitations of the research include the small clinical population? ? What ways do you see health disparities in your life? o Connect the material back to other topics or points we have discussed in the course. ? Example: We talked a few weeks ago about how meditation reduces stress, and now we see that it can also reduce pain. o Connect material to something in your own life, including other courses. ? Example: The results of this study remind me of a discussion we had in Adolescent Psychology about how important the opinions of others are to teenShow more

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