The following topics are recommended for your research paper. However, you may consider another topic for your research, other than the ones provided below that deals with some aspect of comparative administration or international development, as long as you consult with me first to get my approval before you continue with your research. How does conflict in developing countries affect, social, economic and political development in those societies? 8 How is the World Trade Organization ensuring that there is fair trade between developed and developing nations? Is Climate change real? What are the pros and cons of the climate change debate and how does climate change impact development? What are the causes of excessive population growth and what are its consequences on the social, political and economic growth of developing nations? What strategies can be developed to control excessive population growth? What are the causes of world hunger and how has it affected the social and economic lives of citizens in affected area in both developed and developing nations? What solutions can be implemented to stop global hunger? Is ensuring that there is sufficient food ( food security) an important strategy for eradicating global hunger? What are the causes of poor health conditions in developing societies and what solutions can be offered by the World Health Organization(WHO) and individual nations, to address the global heath crisis? In what ways is good health a key component of international development and what are the key health challenges today? Is foreign aid by developed nations to developing societies (former third world nations) an appropriate strategy to improve social, economic and political development in these societies? In the age of globalization, is international trade an appropriate mechanism for integrating developed economies in the west with those in developing societies? How does good governance (the election of legitimate leaders by the people through free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law and upholding civil rights and liberties of citizens) impact social, political and economic development in developing societies? What roles have science and technology played in advancing globalization and international development? Why is education vital for the social, political and economic development of citizens in developing societies? Why is education an important component of international development and what are the major challenges to effective education in developing societies? What are the environmental issues that impact health and development around the world? What are the United Nations millennium goals and how have they contributed or failed to contribute to development in developing societies? What roles have women played in international development efforts and what can be done to reduce gender gaps in employment in developed and developing societies? What impact have women had in the social, political and economic development of citizens in developing societies? Poverty has emerged as a key global issue hindering social, and economic development in developing societies. What strategies can be developed to reduce global poverty rates? 9 Why is safeguarding the environment and managing natural resources effectively important to the social and economic development of global societies?