Review and analyze the causes and solutions associated with Supply Chain Management Issues for Residential Housing due to Covid-19 Impacts of 2020 & 2021.

Words: 256
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

(Research Idea) : Review and analyze the causes and solutions associated with Supply Chain Management Issues for Residential Housing due to Covid-19 Impacts of 2020 & 2021. Background and Rationale: The Covid-19 international pandemic has disrupted supply chains for raw materials associated with various markets and industries. One of those markets includes the residential housing market in the United States. The team would like to review Operations Management Issues associated with Residential Housing that are a direct result of Covid disruptions (understanding that these disruptions could happen for a variety of reasons, with this cycle being attributed Covid19) – focusing specifically in the areas of raw material availability and labor resource impacts. 1) Impacts include Materials Some specific raw material elements that impact the Residential Housing market include lumber, tile, appliances, and fixtures. Many of these items can be sourced semi-locally (from within the North American Continent), but not all are due to costs. Hence the impacts to availability and costs will be reviewed. The assignment is to use at least 1 academic paper and 1 trade research paper/article to support your coverage (impacts of materials on residential housing markets )

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