Examine at least three techniques for making better choices from Decisive. Give situations from your own life where you might apply these. Map out an action plan for each that would lead to a better outcome for you Chapter 8 to the end of the book – Heath, C. and Heath, D. (2013). Decisive: How to make better choices in life and work. New York: Currency. ISBN 978-0-307-95639-2 Pick three techniques. For example: overcome short-term emotions, honor your core priorities, bookend the future, set a trip wire or trusting the process. Anyone of these 3___________________________________________________________________________________________________Headers should be like the below to help the paper flow easily.Technique 1 (name it what you want – maybe after the chapter chosen) and give situations from your own life where you might applyTechnique 2 (name it what you want – maybe after the chapter chosen) and give situations from your own life where you might applyTechnique 3 (name it what you want – maybe after the chapter chosen) and give situations from your own life where you might applyAction Plan – Map out an action plan for each that would lead to a better outcome for you ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Note – Here is a little bit about myself. I own several properties. Getting ready to open a café. I’m a holistic person. I believe in abundance, law of attraction, universe energy etc…