Write an essay explore the way the author of this dramatic play, Tennesse Williams, has portrayed his own personal experience with the decline of mental stability, through the character of Blanche Dubois shown through her interactions with Stanley Kowalski in a post-WWII society.

Words: 249
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

The concept of identity can be interpreted as representative of the writer’s identity and in this case, Tennessee Williams has been able to depict his own perspective and voice through the character of Blanche. He has been able to represent different illnesses that the people of that time, post-WWII were going through, through the different characters present in the play. The author has represented his personal experience with mental disruption through the characters of Blanche and Stanely. The character of Blanche Dubois is a depiction of the toll that the war had had on society’s mental health. In this case, it led Blanche to completely losing the ability to differentiate between reality and dreams and also losing her identity which is what led to her downfall. This is the thesis statement: Write an essay explore the way the author of this dramatic play, Tennesse Williams, has portrayed his own personal experience with the decline of mental stability, through the character of Blanche Dubois shown through her interactions with Stanley Kowalski in a post-WWII society.

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