Reflective integration. Write a paper that responds to the following prompt: You are getting settled into your seat for a very long plane ride home. As you get to know the person next to you, you learn that they are a devout atheist who believes that God is a myth that people have invented to make them feel better. After listening carefully to why this person does not believe in God, you have an opportunity to explain why you do believe in God. What would you say? In your response, share your personal story or testimony of faith, but you must also share some objective evidence to support your faith in God and back up this evidence with solid, academic sources. Incorporate at least four references from the reading, personal observations into your paper. Note: this is a dialogue. Write as if you are having the conversation with this person. It might be hard to fully write a complete back and forth of every part of the exchange, but make sure to include how you would present your personal experience and your rational arguments for God’s existence. Sources: – Godavari, B.(2009). Hollywood worldviews • chapter 7: Jesus • chapter 8: Christianity – Myers, J.,& Noebel, D. (2015). Understanding the times: A survey of competing worldview (5th Ed.). • chapter 4: Secularism • chapter 5: Marxism • chapter 12: Psychology • chapter 13: Sociology -scripture (Bible)