How has the notion of hacking changed over time and why is it now seen as a social good?

Words: 211
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Understanding Social Media TASK: Choose ONE of the following questions. Please ensure you use the Full title and Do Not rewrite it, or Omit sections! 1. What is Digital Sociology and how has it been applied to social media? 2. Social media dramatically influences social identity. Critically respond to this statement. 3. What does Jaron Lanier mean by ‘digital dignity’ and how does his argument sit within debates about digital data? 4. Every person must be digitally literate. Critically discuss this statement in relation to social inclusion. 5. How has the notion of hacking changed over time and why is it now seen as a social good? 6. Commercial interests should play no part in social media. Discuss this statement from a critical sociological perspective. 7. In what ways have social media changed the nature of political activity? Does this strengthen or weaken civic engagement?

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