How does it relates to the other fields of ethics such as theoretical and applied ethics?

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ResourcesBe sure to review everything under “Essay and Resources” and especially1) the rubric for philosophical writing2) the “How To” resource for writing a philosophical essay (Part I and Part II)3) the sample essays in “Essay and Resources” under Content.4) the link to the Writing Center5) how to upload and resubmit your essay in the dropbox to review the Turnitin report so that shared content is less than 25 percentThe second rubric “Critical Thinking Rubric for General Education” has nothing to do with your grade; it is used for TTC internal purposes only, such as general data collection for accreditation standards.Essay Topic: Moral Theory and Applied Ethics If you have already done a similar essay question in my PHI 101 course you must contact me to discuss the details of this paper or an alternative topic.Feel free to create your own title such as “Ethical Theory and the Death Penalty” or “My Philosophical Ethics and Euthanasia”The essay objectives are the following: demonstrate a knowledge of ethical theory such as metaethical and normative theories (Parts 1 and 2); discuss your own moral development with justification for your current moral posture or ethical code (Part 3); apply this formal and personal knowledge to articulate the philosophical arguments of a contemporary ethical topic and the arguments for your own position.Some students wonder why are we doing Parts 1, 2, and 3? Because these demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the philosopher when approaching an ethical issue. The average person usually has no concept of metaethics and normative theory and thus probably has not developed their own moral philosophy. You have. Therefore you can apply philosophical skill and principles to an ethical problem, not unlike the other philosophers in our textbook and other great thinkers such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A person with a moral philosophy can change the world. Essay Structure with Questions/PromptsIntroduction: Make sure this follows the philosophical model in the “How to” resource with a direct presentation of topic, thesis, and preview.Part 1 Metaethics (use several paragraphs)Briefly explain what is metaethics and how you can use it as one of your new tools for engaging ethical issues or debates. Articulate how you can now understand ethics through the lens of objectivism v. relativism. Articulate these metaethical positions with some examples from the reading or that have encountered in your own life. You already worked on some of this for Reflection 1. Utilize the course authors and materials from Topic 1 in the syllabus such as Boss, Ellin, and the IEP.Present some of the arguments for or against each position, especially those found in Boss. You may also add others. Be careful not to cite sociological relativism (see Boss) as a moral theory or to present objectivism as absolutism (see Ellin). Write as if you are teaching students about metaethics (theoretical ethics). Do not present your own opinion in this section–save your own philosophy for Part 3. Per the “how to” resource you can cite course authors by using a parenthetical such as (Boss, 12). Part 2 A Normative Theory (use several paragraphs)First, briefly explain what is normative ethics. How does it relates to the other fields of ethics such as theoretical and applied ethics? The Boss reading and Topic 2 readings will help; you’ve worked on some of this in Reflection 2.Second, present one of the major normative theories from Topic 2 such as non-consequentialism (deontology), consequentialism, virtue ethics, feminine ethics of care, etc. Pick a theory of interest or pick a normative theory that will be utilized in presenting the ethical arguments in Part 4.Third, discuss at least one strength and one weakness of this normative approach.Part 3 My Own Moral Code (use several paragraphs)”Know Thyself.” Consider your own ethical background and the principles or people that have informed it. What are the sources (metaethics) that grounded your morality and what were the ways (normative ethics) that determined right and wrong–before you ever took this class? Offer some examples.Where are you now in terms of moral philosophy with respect to metaethics and normative theory? Do you ground your ethics in relativism or objectivism? And if the latter, then which normative theories do you tend to employ? You have done some of this work in Reflections 1 and 2. Don’t just explain that you are an objectivist and, for example, subscribe to rights theory. Give an argument for why you take the position or follow a code. “ I am a universalists because I believe that all animals, and especially mammals such as whales have the right not to be killed by any individual or any country despite the fact that such killing is a cultural practice by some nations.”Part 4 Applied Ethics

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