Evaluate Disney’s position of using the build-borrow-or-buy framework and explain if you think Disney should pursue alternatives to acquisition.

Words: 196
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

https://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/201712/5867/discussion bubbleRead the Theme Park Insider article hyperlinked below:Theme Park Insider: How high can you build a franchise without breaking its fan base?Disney is the world’s biggest theme park. Their ability to create value through movies, theme parks, toys, etc., has made them a recognizable brand name. Because it is an iconic brand, the build-borrow-or-buy framework may make more sense in some industries they operate in than others.Evaluate Disney’s position of using the build-borrow-or-buy framework and explain if you think Disney should pursue alternatives to acquisition.Explain why or why not using outside research.Also, describe why you think Disney’s acquisition-led growth strategy is sustainable, and justify your rationale with outside research.

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