Analyze how Victimology impacts the criminal justice system and the individuals within it.

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Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

1.) Analyze how Victimology impacts the criminal justice system and the individuals within it. 2.) Identify an evidence-based strategy to be employed to address the negative impact of Victimology. 3.) Asses how a court decision in the criminal justice field influenced decisions regarding the application of force. 4.) Analyze the connection between the issue of use of force and the criminological theory that contributed to the understanding or misunderstanding of Victimology. For question 2.) Please use this reference for: Restorative Conferencing Models For Victims, Doerner, William G. and Steven P. Lab. 2020. Victimology. 9th Edition by Routledge For question 3.) Please use the court decision case based on Giles v. California (2008) For question 4.) Please use these references: Alpert, Geoffrey P. and Roger G. Dunham. 1997. Policing Urban America. Illinois: Waveland Press and Kappeler, Victor E., Richard D. Sluder, and Geoffrey Alpert. 1998. Forces of Deviance: Understanding the Dark Side of Policing, 2nd Edition. Prospect Heights, Il:Waveland Press

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