Explain the Roosevelt Administration’s approach to handling the Great Depression and particularly the architecture of the New Deal. How would you describe and account for its way of handling the Depression?

Words: 202
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Explain the Roosevelt Administration’s approach to handling the Great Depression and particularly the architecture of the New Deal. How would you describe and account for its way of handling the Depression? What were some of the political obstacles faced in putting these ideas into action, and how were these challenges handled?2. Choose a marginalized group (e.g. women, POC, LGBT etc.) and discuss their struggles and challenges within the confines of American society during the Depression.3. Who backed the New Deal? Who opposed it? What were the results, and how did support (or lack thereof) impact the parties involved?4. Explain the importance of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). What were the results, and how did support (or lack thereof) impact the parties involved?5. What ended the Great Depression?

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