PH 44000 – Health Disparity Review (HDR)Part 4: Intervention & Policy Report Assignment GuideHDR Part 4 OverviewFor your Part 4 assignment, you will evaluate what has been done in the past to address your health disparity.This assignment will be in report format (see Report Template on Blackboard), and will consist of support fromreputable and scholarly sources, as well as your own thoughts/analysis. Please see below for guidelines on whatsources are required for this assignment.NOTE: You may start working on this assignment any time after you receive instructor feedback on your Part 2:Determinants Table assignment. Given the timeframe of the course, you do not need to receive feedback on yourHDR Part 3 assignment before you complete your Part 4 assignment.Intervention & Policy Report GuidelinesKey questions: What has been done to reduce this health disparity? Did it work?Intervention & Policy ReportA. Interventioni. Describe one culturally-tailored intervention for your selected disparity that has been implemented,evaluated, and published in the scientific literature (NOTE: you should include at least one scholarlycitation for this intervention)ii. Describe the results of the intervention (i.e. Did it work? What was the evidence?), as well as itsstrengths and limitationsB. Policyi. Describe one federal- or state-level policy that has been implemented that should have helpedreduce your health disparity (e.g. SNAP program, Affordable Care Act, Clean Air Act, etc.)ii. Discuss how you feel this policy action has or hasn’t actually affected your health disparity, and thestrengths and limitations of the policy