Compare and contrast your two favorite articles’ arguments/main insights according to (a) The methods they used and how valid they are in measuring what they attempt to measure;

Words: 232
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Write-up your final analysis: At the end of your entries write a three-page analysis ( SINGLE SPACED) answering the following questions: (1) How do these authors understand this social problem similarly? How is their analysis sociological and not a political or psychological analysis? How do sociologists approach issues like this differently than political scientists or psychologists? (2) Compare and contrast your two favorite articles’ arguments/main insights according to (a) The methods they used and how valid they are in measuring what they attempt to measure; (b) Whether their research would be reliable if they were to do this study in the future; (c) Whether you can agree with their argument based on the evidence. Which is most believable given the evidence and the logic of their argumentation? links to both journals:

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