provide information on if situations that occur happen more at NBA, NFL or MLB games.

Words: 250
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Each student will complete a draft of which focuses on the procedures to be used to collect, analyze and interpret data as well as complete your reference page with a minimum of 5 sources. The instructor will be looking for these components in the paper as well as focusing on APA style formatting, appropriate concise and scholarly writing.The sub-topic on safety and security at events definitely need more information. The audience knows how important it is to have security at events but you can give information or data that can show how often fights or incidents occurs, does this happen more at sporting events or concerts and what does the staff or security do to ensure the safety of the spectators or patrons. Also, the section on aggressive fans and alcohol could be longer. You should be able to provide information on if situations that occur happen more at NBA, NFL or MLB games. Doing a comparison can give your paper more creditability and show the reader how certain situations can effect a sporting or music event.

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