Do you think Lee does a good job provoking conversation? Did you find yourself conflicted about the characters (or how they are portrayed) or their actions? How might we compare the kind of political gesture Lee makes here – to catalyze conversation, to bring up tense issues –to, say, the political aspirations of films like Birth of a Nation or Battleship Potemkin which aim to sway the viewer to a very particular ideology or conclusion?

Words: 147
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Do you think Lee does a good job provoking conversation? Did you find yourself conflicted about the characters (or how they are portrayed) or their actions? How might we compare the kind of political gesture Lee makes here – to catalyze conversation, to bring up tense issues –to, say, the political aspirations of films like Birth of a Nation or Battleship Potemkin which aim to sway the viewer to a very particular ideology or conclusion?

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