How do you make ethical decisions likeGandhi, King, and Liliuokalani?

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Pages: 1
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How do you make ethical decisions likeGandhi, King, and Liliuokalani? What is anexample of your ethical dilemma? What areyour values? What is important to you?Reading:Website: Markkula Center for AppliedEthics Center for Ethical Decision MakingVideos:Martin Luther King Jr. SOral CommunicationTop 10 powerful orators in history King Last Speech I have been to theMountaintop Luther King – I Have A Dream SpeechAugust 28, 1963 7:King asked, where do we go from here? Whatcan you do to serve and to transform ourcommunity and the world with the power ofnonviolence? What can you do? What are youwilling to do?Reading:Website: Markkula Center for AppliedEthics Center for Ethical Decision Making

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