Describe the main historical events and changes at the end of the 19th century

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Subject: Uncategorized

Post Impressionism: Cezanne and Seurat1. Describe the main historical events and changes at the end of the 19th century.2. What is the meaning of the term Post Impressionism?3. Write a short biography of Paul Cezanne and his artistic development. Evaluate one painting of the artist.4. Write a short biography of Georges Seurat and his artistic development. Evaluate one painting of the artist.Post Impressionism: Van Gogh and Gauguin1. Write a short biography of Vincent Van Gogh2. What is unique to Van Gogh’s mature style?3. Why is Van Gogh considered the “father” of Expressionism?4. Write a short biography of Paul Gauguin.5. What did attract Gauguin to primitive life?6. How did Gauguin contribute to symbolic colors?

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