oes the Internet connect noble people with the resources necessary to become wiser and fulfilled?

Words: 279
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Applying Aristotle’s philosophy to a modern example, do you feel technology and the vast, expanding database of knowledge on the Internet to be ‘good’? Does the Internet connect noble people with the resources necessary to become wiser and fulfilled? Are they able to use this access to further understanding, as a stepping stone to happiness? Or does this access only drag society down to the level of ordinary people – with citizens consuming mindless media, only honoring indulgences, just in the way that cattle graze? Discussion 2 If Aristotle believed in philosophical empiricism, meaning that all knowledge is acquired through experience, then how can one’s actions be determined just or unjust from an ethical standpoint? Discussion 3 Is good something that people inherently are, do they have to learn it, or can it be or a mixture of both? Is good based on perception as well, because if societies are supposed to help train the young and ordinary people with “just” laws the issue of just is always up for debate as laws vary from land to land and what one person does not see as an issue does not me the next one won’t? Is it ok to get your happiness by any means necessary?

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