If you were in charge of sponsorship for a luxury automobile (e.g. BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, etc.) what type(s) of sport sponsorships would you pursue and why?

Words: 182
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Identify the social, environmental, and financial factors that have contributed to the growth of sport sponsorship over the past twenty-five years.Describe the marketing / leverage strategies employed by organizations to produce a better ROI (return on investment) for sponsor organizations.Examine social concerns related to ethnic marketing, over commercialization, and vice activities, in terms of the sport organization / sponsor relationship.Discussion Question If you were in charge of sponsorship for a luxury automobile (e.g. BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, etc.) what type(s) of sport sponsorships would you pursue and why? Readings – Chapter 15 Masteralexis, Lisa, Barr, Carol & Hums, Mary. (2012). Principles and Practices of Sport Management 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett, Inc.

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