Identify the POV characterLook for clues as to who the POV character is and focus on them.

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Subject: Uncategorized

Do a full ethical analysis, laying out each of the seven steps with regard to the case above.Step 1: Identify the POV characterLook for clues as to who the POV character is and focus on them.Step 2: Identify the Stakeholdersafter I’ve identified the POV character, Next I should start thinking about the people who would be affected by their choices.Step 3 – Formulate the Moral QuestionI would then formulate a moral question with reference toone of the moral theories I’ve learned.Step 4 – List the possible courses of actionI would m ake out a list of possible outcomes that are feasible to a moral response.Step 5 – Eliminate impractical optionsI would go back through the list to rule out any questioins that are not relevant to the situation at hand.Step 6 – Ethical Analysis of OptionsI would think through situation with a series of morally identified questions.Step 7 – Ethical ConclusionI would look at it from all sides and make sure its is morally correct and if there are any other possile solutions.

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