Identify and critically assess the Sustainable IHRM issues and challenges at the international level for chosen value chain/ company with attention given to

Words: 170
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Essay 4: International Human Resource Management Identify and critically assess the Sustainable IHRM issues and challenges at the international level for chosen value chain/ company with attention given to: 1. Current IHRM strategy 2. The major IHRM talent management practices: – Recruitment – Selection – Performance management – Compensation (pay) – Training and development 3. Diversity and intercultural sensitivity 4. Management value system in the international environment 5. Conclusions and Recommendations – Provide conclusions and recommendations for the value chain/company on IHRM strategies and practices. 6. References ISA format and submission The ISA is presented in the form of one Word or PDF document, with each essay comprising approx.

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