How do leaders deal with factions and fiefdoms in their organizational worlds? Here′s one view. Here′s a view of Toxic Leadership The idea here is about workplace conflict and fearless leadership. What is fearless leadership? Is it Leonidas (300 Spartans) vs. Xerxes (Persians) or Gandhi/Mandela/King vs. the ruling British/S.Africans/Americans? Or both? Were they also dealing with factions within and without? With an eye to the future, the short term, medium term and relatively far future, here′s an article in the NYT written on Dec 26, 2019, barely weeks before the current pandemic, about what 2030 would likely look like. If fearless leadership is required, how can all of us prepare for a new normal, with a decimated world economy, post-pandemic, a dramatic reduction of small and medium sized businesses, millions without a job, and organizations holding back on spending, let alone for sustainability initiatives? What factions are going to survive and what will be silenced?