Compare the impact of SME’s for the UK utilising two different industries (for example, retail and construction) c) Compare the impact of SME’s for two EU countries;

Words: 283
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

You are a small business consultant specialised in start-up businesses. You are looking to widen your client list, and therefore you have decided to create a presentation, which assesses the impact of small businesses in the UK economy, providing helpful recommendations to your existing and potential clientele. You will need to create an individual presentation, that assesses the impact of small businesses to the UK and European economy. The presentation needs to include latest figures, and tables released by authorised and reliable sources. Individual Presentation Make sure you covered the following: 1. Define the concept of an SME, and evaluate the growth and financial contribution of micro, small and medium private organisations to the UK Economy. Your analysis needs to be based on the last 5 years and must include potential political and economic factors that might have either stimulated or halted the development of SME’s in the country. 2. Examine the role of SME’s and analyse how they contribute to the national economy. Your analysis must contrast the following: a) Compare the impact of SME’s for two UK regions; b) Compare the impact of SME’s for the UK utilising two different industries (for example, retail and construction) c) Compare the impact of SME’s for two EU countries;

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