What elements of your project are not addressed by our readings (10 points) Conclusion/Recommendation for developing research: Provide target population, research design, research method suggestions (10 points)

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Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Power Point Presentation As part of your final project (30% of your grade), you will create a powerpoint that summarizes your work in progress. The purpose of the assignment is to further your understanding of the importance of evidence based practice (EBP) by identifying a clinical nursing problem/question you observed in practice, searching the literature for evidence related to the problem/question, and then creating a powerpoint presentation. Using the information gathered, as you searched the data bases for evidence related to solving the problem/answering the question, you will develop the presentation describing the problem/question and the overview/discussion. You will upload this submission for grading. PowerPoint presentation should include the following content: Project title (You will reword your PICO question into a project title). (10 points) Desсrіption of your topic and the primary source(s) you examined (this will be similar to the information compiled for the Literature Review Paper). (20 points) Explanation of issues or questions for analysis: What did you hope to learn about your topic? (20 points) Brief overview of how you studied your primary source(s) 10 research articles (10 points) Observations and Discussion: What trends did you find during your research, what social practices did you learn, what connections were found in the literature? What phenomena did you find most interesting or surprising as you researched the topic? (10 points) Claim: Based on your observations, what argument can you make about your topic? (10 points) Connection to course readings: How do selected course readings help you to understand your findings? What elements of your project are not addressed by our readings (10 points) Conclusion/Recommendation for developing research: Provide target population, research design, research method suggestions (10 points)

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