What are some examples of activities to use in a course with service learning? e

Words: 133
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

The faculty is setting up sites for students to experience service learning. The students have choices on which sites to visit and will also hold supply drives at the school to take the strain off of the organization. The students will complete 80 hours at a chosen site and complete reflection activities for a grade. QUESTIONS: 1. In your own words, define service learning. 2. What are some examples of activities to use in a course with service learning? 3. Which statement is true regarding service learning? Explain. A. Students are not interested in providing service to the community. B. Only organizations with money have the opportunity to provide service. C. Providing service learning takes time to plan and provide the service. D. People with strong connections have an easier time providing service for the community. Two references within past 5 years In-text citation required APA 7 format

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