This exercise will test your ability to turn topics from this course into a competitive product for a “client” struggling with managing organizational behavior. Your team will become subject matter experts (i.e., content specific consultants) around this topic and compete with four other consulting teams to design the best proposal for the organizational client. Your 15-minute presentations will take place during Week 10, and your TA will help me to determine which team was able to provide the best solution and assign your grade for the exercise accordingly (see CCP criteria below). You should select members of your consulting teams by Week 6 and you will receive the organizational brief on eLearn at the start of Week 7 (approximately three weeks in advance of your presentation). Competition takes place during Week 10. Your TAs will provide further instruction regarding how they will carry out the competition within their discussion section.
Rules of the Competition:
Presentations must last no longer than 15 minutes (we are all aware of the case brief, so there is no need to regurgitate this – after introducing your team, just jump straight into your theory-grounded analysis and what you are able to offer your client and why).
All teams MUST submit their slides and pre-recorded presentations (YuJa link) to eLearn before 11:59 pm on November 30th.
You should assume you are presenting before a team of executives (professional behavior and business attire is strongly encouraged).
You can choose any topic or combination of topics from the entire term to solve the organizations issue. Indeed, you it would be useful to approach the problem and solution from a micro, meso, and macro perspective.
Become subject matter experts – you should know the topic(s) very well. If you have chosen a subject we have not yet covered in the lecture (e.g., managing communication), complete the readings (text and article) in advance so that my lecture will compliment what you already know.
Be creative!
Criteria for the Case Competition Presentation (CCP)
Points Allocated
Does the presentation address the organization’s OB issues effectively?
Synthesis and Soundness
Does the presentation bring together relevant literature/theory to address the organization’s OB issue?
Clarity of structure
Is the presentation well organized and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of the needs of the audience?
Did the team propose a creative solution to the OB issue of the organization?
Voted Winner of the Consulting Bid
TA chooses your team as contributing the best solution.
10 (first place)
9 (second place)
8 (third place)
7 (fourth place)
6 (fifth place)