Generate summary statistics for each of the production lines. Create a table that displays the minimum and maximum values, the sample means and sample standard deviations, as well as how far the mean is from target using the methods that were illustrated for Line A. Provide a few

Words: 387
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Use the data in file to perform the following analyses:
1. Generate summary statistics for each of the production lines. Create a table that displays the
minimum and maximum values, the sample means and sample standard deviations, as well as
how far the mean is from target using the methods that were illustrated for Line A. Provide a few
observations regarding the performance of the production lines based on these numerical
2. Create comparative box plots for all eight production lines on one graph that also displays all the
individual pH values for the 30 batches. Add reference lines for the target, LSL, and USL.
Describe the performance of these production lines using this graphical display.
3. Create time series graphs for each production line, displaying all eight individual times series
plots as separate panels in one graph. Include reference lines for the target, LSL, and USL.
Hint: To create all the times series plots in one graph, the data will need to be stacked so that all pH values
are in one column, another column identifies the batch, and a third column identifies the production line.
Search for Stack Columns in the Help Menu to learn how to do this.
4. Which lines have consistent performance across the data collection time period? Do all those
lines meet specifications? Are there any changes over time for any of the production lines that
would indicate their performance is not consistent? If so, describe those patterns. Are there any
unusual values (i.e., outliers)? Why would these outcomes be a cause for concern in using this
sample of data to reach conclusions about the performance of the production lines in general?
5. Summarize the key results in just a few bullet points that can be communicated to management.
Which one of the three displays created (summary table, comparative box plots, or time series
plots) would you choose to show?

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